F2P Overall XP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
1 Netbook Pro Reg 1283 2,256,646,831 14,814.45
2 Janne Ahonen Reg 1493 2,147,005,603 14,518.32
3 f2p agil Reg 1426 2,072,888,151 13,726.25
4 Freckled Dad Reg 1493 1,707,817,102 12,440.51
5 Pawz Reg 1493 1,659,918,827 13,194.05
6 Kakarot Owns Reg 1493 1,489,700,821 10,450.07
7 DJ9 Reg 1493 1,465,323,222 10,441.64
8 OrangeC Reg 1493 1,334,583,519 7,472.68
9 No Comfort Reg 1493 1,267,537,390 6,427.84
10 5ent UIM 1419 1,176,131,157 14,572.96
11 minlvlskilla UIM 816 1,056,756,828 16,829.28
12 Quthalos Reg 1493 991,547,805 7,523.19
13 Yelsos Reg 1493 960,984,743 6,050.62
14 Anne Shirley IM 1446 952,146,888 9,597.04
15 Terrathrone UIM 1458 921,872,614 9,842.42
16 Halcyon Seed Reg 1493 838,702,486 5,286.05
17 Dagah Reg 1441 797,284,258 3,772.09
18 WeirdWiteCYA Reg 1306 790,439,492 3,378.96
19 Sofacanlazy Reg 1493 775,155,059 6,117.81
20 key basher Reg 816 774,130,972 3,412.55
21 wellitsmenow Reg 1493 744,347,544 3,425.05
22 _Yrak Reg 783 714,835,403 3,160.15
23 yrak Reg 783 714,835,403 3,160.15
24 Magicianeer9 Reg 1493 712,058,726 3,665.39
25 Kemi 2 Reg 1492 673,966,503 3,806.61
26 Exulae Reg 1435 657,539,320 4,971.37
27 iObY L3qNDi Reg 798 629,204,103 2,595.5
28 be uty IM 1207 617,163,829 5,508.53
29 imaqtpie Reg 761 595,800,169 2,128.9
30 coglucifer Reg 1386 595,147,675 3,154.22
31 kelarotta1 UIM 1493 577,502,838 12,461.51
32 wisco920 Reg 1493 557,201,818 3,634.37
33 HCIM Gachi Reg 898 556,235,638 2,156.81
34 CropNinja Reg 1462 548,574,930 3,961.26
35 struphigh Reg 1250 531,622,511 2,057.27
36 UI Pain UIM 812 529,765,814 6,790.3
37 tannerdino IM 1464 529,481,534 8,744.85
38 f2p Ello Reg 1493 517,165,352 3,674.93
39 Asura Zoma IM 1460 514,974,714 6,175.1
40 WiseOldCat Reg 1493 514,230,525 3,829.83
41 Occltghxst Reg 1443 493,638,329 3,735.56
42 Ironman260 IM 1434 493,458,683 5,336.96
43 Kotsumi Reg 816 487,460,080 2,870.26
44 HelplessBob IM 1462 472,833,749 7,189.26
45 Farcanaal Reg 1493 446,525,128 2,618.21
46 Skill Ritely Reg 789 446,197,949 1,566.07
47 Dark Mastery Reg 1493 444,381,211 2,739.72
48 parity32 Reg 1484 443,084,434 2,201.62
49 Walkodin2426 Reg 1486 442,623,404 2,726.72
50 Nevr Miss HCIM 1493 439,620,787 8,786.03
51 GildedSphinx HCIM 1493 424,726,559 9,129.0
52 Jambo3547 IM 1493 409,837,779 8,541.41
53 cacapoopoo71 Reg 1493 382,804,905 2,325.26
54 willsmath Reg 1493 379,884,388 2,442.83
55 Urinebeam Reg 228 365,484,875 976.77
56 xMalPTMx Reg 1490 360,706,322 2,488.83
57 Please Thx Reg 1276 360,402,057 1,797.23
58 ChaoticalF2P IM 1488 357,003,327 7,807.62
59 Natekay UIM 1481 354,470,358 6,481.24
60 CraftyHeng Reg 1358 350,995,709 1,893.95
61 Frogmask IM 1302 350,576,430 4,236.32
62 IronAgnusDei UIM 1465 348,220,293 5,617.97
63 Cephalotaxus Reg 1213 342,939,816 1,332.88
64 Faij Reg 1343 331,260,638 3,013.79
65 Tyrone P Reg 1331 330,071,906 1,645.56
66 Hempetetus Reg 1493 321,236,127 2,326.65
67 Ariadna96 UIM 1429 317,076,271 4,697.89
68 BuyingEHP Reg 728 315,669,729 1,258.66
69 xXf2plifeXx Reg 1421 313,887,709 2,013.07
70 Romans ch 12 UIM 1479 313,099,586 6,214.56
71 Toe Knee F2P Reg 1339 310,949,446 1,866.84
72 rozwala Reg 1292 310,743,160 1,799.43
73 F2P Bino HCIM 1486 298,053,197 6,488.18
74 Vagae IM 1466 297,539,888 4,569.5
75 Montae F2P HCIM 1177 296,984,131 3,114.28
76 NoWuknFurrys Reg 1490 292,314,961 1,993.48
77 S1lentSpirit IM 1428 287,443,995 3,448.49
78 F2P Seafood Reg 801 287,079,269 1,084.77
79 AlotofProfs Reg 812 284,948,226 2,794.43
80 donssy Reg 1406 281,837,657 1,515.53
81 A yoe joemp UIM 1442 278,993,483 3,786.09
82 ColdFingers3 IM 1493 278,910,000 7,414.95
83 Part Reg 1417 277,560,613 1,740.42
84 33unholy2494 Reg 1475 276,791,765 2,232.83
85 XP go Dididi Reg 1476 275,139,214 1,925.27
86 6SKULL Reg 1282 269,314,349 1,815.22
87 Pavvl Reg 1334 268,344,817 1,671.14
88 Starbooze1 Reg 1488 267,940,760 2,169.87
89 PeteyMcFly IM 1394 266,872,693 4,038.83
90 kotorfanboy Reg 1401 266,468,131 1,990.3
91 Ben3143 Reg 1493 265,980,940 2,069.6
92 oooosonasty IM 1437 263,205,842 3,241.02
93 Vengas Reg 1493 261,723,795 1,933.17
94 Easy 2nd Max Reg 1493 261,480,786 1,922.19
95 Say F2p Ult UIM 1405 261,349,383 3,010.02
96 F2P Ozzy Reg 1035 256,502,324 2,095.84
97 Ultarc UIM 1440 256,301,820 3,710.67
98 Charzard 687 Reg 1263 255,143,359 1,401.83
99 15rubydream Reg 1479 255,129,856 1,775.77
100 Burnyoureyes IM 1461 254,724,594 4,049.02
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