F2P Mining XP Hiscores
Rank Name Account Level XP EHP
3026 Dark Kizmel IM 71 872,185 0.0
3027 PREZNA Reg 71 871,820 16.1
3028 tomsironman IM 71 870,937 0.0
3029 brown snow HCIM 71 870,870 0.0
3030 iron pianist UIM 71 870,528 0.0
3031 ImDexxie IM 71 869,929 0.0
3032 Bug bucket UIM 71 869,890 0.0
3033 whymyppsoft UIM 71 869,230 0.0
3034 TanandaWitch Reg 71 869,151 16.05
3035 Voltaic_3 Reg 71 868,750 11.71
3036 Mx weasley Reg 71 868,711 16.05
3037 reyalpzyx Reg 71 868,069 16.03
3038 jcltnm Reg 71 867,912 13.06
3039 TimboSlice51 Reg 71 867,608 16.03
3040 OSRS Big Rat HCIM 71 867,501 0.0
3041 Imuimyouknow UIM 71 867,482 0.0
3042 The Anerkey Reg 71 867,432 16.02
3043 F2P Invader Reg 71 867,375 16.02
3044 Coollerooni Reg 71 867,273 16.02
3045 Dremmm HCIM 71 867,020 0.0
3046 pot seed Reg 71 866,256 16.0
3047 whohowe UIM 71 866,055 0.0
3048 I AM THE VIP IM 71 865,743 0.0
3049 spyylye IM 71 865,549 0.0
3050 Madman Mac IM 71 865,442 0.0
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