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Last Updated: about 10 hours ago
Personal scores for the f2p uim
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
1410 187,355,975 2,082.79 9,062 135
99 16,847,292 347.49 641 31
99 16,847,292 388.26 966 53
99 16,847,291 347.04 533 37
99 23,150,931 0.0 50,636 72
99 15,890,631 403.43 1,725 74
75 1,315,103 0.0 2,809 7,395
99 18,219,762 0.0 639 1,910
99 13,437,843 6.55 592 1,201
99 13,058,912 164.69 1,091 177
99 13,110,506 173.97 1,212 178
99 13,034,550 100.21 5,703 128
78 1,647,848 82.45 4,973 331
89 4,856,458 202.35 1,462 351
99 18,215,790 0.0 198 3,004
71 875,766 162.18 5,137 185
Time to Hours
All 99s 3,998.77
All 200m 89,665.49
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 621 150 305
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 0 0
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 101 142
Bryophyta 206 46
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