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Last Updated: about 4 hours ago
Personal scores for Tim the Duck
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
716 1,950,304 69.64 119,480 6,848
50 101,528 9.01 79,155 4,362
58 228,418 14.49 68,505 5,145
50 101,618 8.75 64,288 3,852
60 278,709 0.0 0 5,719
60 274,633 20.12 50,666 4,637
45 66,251 4.73 50,495 2,316
63 377,608 0.0 50,452 4,216
49 92,719 0.05 126,113 9,024
46 69,117 2.24 253,417 6,972
48 90,402 2.82 144,564 8,607
33 20,000 0.46 285,410 8,045
47 82,359 4.17 75,627 6,211
45 61,947 2.73 72,506 6,668
50 104,664 0.0 103,275 8,524
4 331 0.07 142,623 8,003
Time to Hours
All 99s 6,526.99
All 200m 98,735.84
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 103 1753 1640
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 589 12844
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 19 1822
Bryophyta 0 0
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