Display: Stats | Gains | Records
Last Updated: about 15 hours ago
Personal scores for The Lone Law
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
652 1,205,298 50.52 27,486 8,218
48 87,510 8.67 18,969 4,775
40 37,241 7.45 31,737 7,803
40 37,234 7.45 26,391 6,571
52 126,546 0.0 0 7,071
50 107,504 12.42 18,709 6,117
41 41,217 2.94 23,535 3,380
60 291,720 0.0 15,962 4,870
49 94,467 0.05 26,996 9,008
32 17,820 1.03 49,422 8,500
47 80,566 2.54 30,396 8,753
35 23,300 0.49 41,404 7,794
50 101,827 5.15 17,348 5,850
42 48,407 2.13 17,940 7,419
50 108,989 0.0 19,130 8,512
8 950 0.2 27,500 7,320
Time to Hours
All 99s 6,546.12
All 200m 98,754.97
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 21 7394 3744
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 500 11160
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 0 0
Bryophyta 0 0
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