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Last Updated: about 8 hours ago
Personal scores for Kill the Ego
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
568 933,950 36.32 462,388 9,308
41 41,179 7.54 434,896 5,460
45 61,785 8.43 371,694 6,762
41 41,174 7.52 336,274 5,529
40 37,242 0.0 0 8,192
21 5,336 1.33 420,657 7,810
18 3,840 0.23 523,180 6,674
22 5,627 0.0 576,889 8,647
58 237,988 0.12 293,862 7,250
36 25,997 1.26 647,509 8,235
57 207,400 6.14 343,626 6,617
37 28,720 0.53 576,284 7,560
28 11,570 0.63 462,466 9,260
41 41,669 1.74 338,132 8,485
55 179,840 0.0 297,925 7,773
20 4,583 0.85 318,070 5,381
Time to Hours
All 99s 6,139.84
All 200m 92,101.68
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 0 0 11397
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 0 0
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 0 0
Bryophyta 0 0
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