Definitely an OSRS player and not a Minecraft YouTuber.
Display: Stats | Gains | Records
Last Updated: about 9 hours ago
Personal scores for FitMC
Level XP EHP Rank F2P Rank
1250 82,488,457 1,107.79 12,252 419
99 13,161,444 273.18 1,421 68
99 15,199,140 355.16 1,308 60
99 13,034,602 270.02 1,471 109
99 14,362,051 0.0 787 280
78 1,637,109 64.53 8,243 1,799
75 1,216,421 0.0 3,349 7,512
76 1,372,657 0.0 8,091 2,780
95 9,547,234 4.65 1,276 1,542
70 795,456 14.66 11,214 2,224
93 7,358,890 103.06 2,622 577
70 743,200 6.02 15,914 1,445
70 760,706 38.09 7,652 1,944
70 738,851 30.79 6,991 1,886
79 1,822,933 0.0 5,653 4,060
70 737,763 136.62 5,907 285
Time to Hours
All 99s 4,838.58
All 200m 90,754.38
Clues Score Rank F2P Rank
Beginner 875 68 186
Minigame Score Rank
Last Man Standing 0 0
Boss Kill Count Rank
Obor 229 51
Bryophyta 34 452
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